Winter-Spring 2006 From the Director, Laurie Norton Moffatt
It gives me enormous pleasure to announce the launch of a major new project at the Norman Rockwell Museum that will transform the accessibility of our Museum collections; advance research and understanding of Norman Rockwell’s work; preserve a unique archive of an important American artist; and link the Museum to major research centers and scholars around the world. This project has been recognized as a national model in archival and collections management.
Norman Rockwell, Year by Year: 1966, by Linda Szekely Pero
On January 4,1966, Los Angelenos were treated to an exhibition of 96 paintings and drawings by Norman Rockwell. Inspired by a small promotional display of Rockwell artwork for the upcoming movie Stagecoach, city officials mounted the exhibition at The Municipal Art Gallery at Barnsdall Park.ProjectNORMAN, by Laurie Norton Moffatt
Project NORMAN is one of the most important initiatives the Museum has undertaken. As caretakers of Norman Rockwell’s papers and archives, the Museum manages an extraordinary array of information about the artist, his life, art, models, and the publications for which he worked. Filled with fascinating information, the more than
100,000-i tem-collection reveals insights into 20th-century America, as well as important documentation on Norman Rockwell’s work.ProjectNORMAN Case Study, by Linda Szekely Pero
2001: A Space Odyssey had Hal. The Norman Rockwell Museum has Vernon, a software program selected to organize our art and archival collections. One sample of an image whose artwork, ephemera, and references are accessible through Vernon, is Murder in Mississippi, chosen because of its variety of archival material.Meet ProjectNORMAN’s Vernon, by Martin Mahoney
In the spring of 2005 the Norman Rockwell Museum invested in a unique and powerful tool that will enable us to gain physical and intellectual control of the archival, material culture and art collections housed here.As part of the ProjectNORMAN initiative, the Museum purchased Vernon collections management software. This software will give the Museum and the curatorial staff the ability to compile all of the information throughout the Museum into one central and easily accessible location.