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Rosie the Riveter Day: A 75th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, May 26

1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Celebrate the 75th anniversary of Rockwell’s iconic 1943 Post cover, Rosie the Riveter, during this afternoon of talks, workshops, music, and dance. The Albany Berkshire Ballet will present Rockwell Suites, featuring a vignette inspired by the artist’s tribute to World War II women in the workforce; Berkshire Music School will perform the popular music of the era; and Melanie Mowinski, MCLA Associate Professor of Visual Art, has installed one of her unique Paper Words projects on the Museum’s grounds. Curator talks, art activities, a Rosie the Riveter look-alike contest and reflections from members of the Rosie the Riveter Association will round out this lively day. Free for Museum members, or included with Museum admission. Children free to age 18.

Land Acknowledgement

It is with gratitude and humility that we acknowledge that we are learning, speaking and gathering on the ancestral homelands of the Mohican people, who are the indigenous peoples of this land on which the Norman Rockwell Museum was built. Despite tremendous hardship in being forced from here, today their community resides in Wisconsin and is known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. We pay honor and respect to their ancestors past and present as we commit to building a more inclusive and equitable space for all.

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