Forbes photo- NRM


Forbes Magazine has recently highlighted the work that Norman Rockwell Museum is doing to promote neurodiversity. Often defined as the idea that neurological differences such as autism and ADHD are to be recognized and respected as normal human variation, the article looks at the College Internship Program (CIP), whose mission is “to help young adults with high functioning autism to be as successful as possible.”

Norman Rockwell Museum has been partnering with the local CIP organization in Lee, MA, providing internships for its students for the past 11 years. The Museum’s Curator of Education Tom Daly explains in the article that “we have had students go on from internships here and are pleased to speak with them later and find out they have gone on to rewarding jobs.” The author of the article adds that “Museum interns work with the public and can rotate through departments, presenting paintings during tours, greeting visitors and working on events. They also benefit from the camaraderie of working alongside other students their own age in the intern program.”

Read the full article here:

“This Is How Small Organizations Are Bringing Workers On Board,” Forbes, September 13, 2018